Archive for December 1st, 2008



December 1, 2008


Have you seen those bumper stickers that say coexist using symbols from all different religions? They were really popular a while back I think, but I hadn’t really seen/heard much about them lately. Until the past few days I have seen three different cars with this bumper sticker. My initial reaction was to be troubled by their lack of “faith”. Then I started thinking maybe they are on to something. The world would be a much more peaceful place if all the different religions/beliefs could harmoniously coexist. Until this morning this was my feeling- peaceful coexistence is what we should strive for. But then I was struck by something this morning when I saw the bumper sticker. Jesus didn’t come to create peace between different types of people, he came with the truth which brings peace. There’s a big difference. He never shied away from confronting wrong belief and sin in people’s lives. He overturned tables in the temple, the most holy place. He challenged the beliefs and teachings of the Jewish leaders. He never said “okay, let’s not create conflict with the Roman religions by letting them do their thing while we do our thing”. That’s just not the way he was. And that’s not the way we should be either. What we need to remember is that all our confrontation needs to be born out of genuine love for the people. Conflict is unavoidable when we live as true Christ-followers. But the basis of the conflict cannot be our own pride and arrogance. Before we can judge another, before we can rightfully step in to attempt to correct wayward thinking, we must truly love the person.

Peace is something everyone in the world desires. Conflict is pain. Pain is suffering. We think suffering should be avoided as much as possible. But true peace can only be found in the truth of the Gospel. And the only way to share this truth and peace is by challenging those who are wrong. And no matter how carefully or lovingly we do this, there will be conflict.

I don’t want to coexist. I want to live in the truth and allow that truth to penetrate the darkness and wickedness around. If that upsets you, if that creates conflict, then that is what must happen. I will not go looking for conflict, I will not seek trouble. But I will not compromise the Truth in order to live “peacefully” in this world with you. Because it would be partly my fault if you ended up in an eternity of suffering if I did that. Better pain and suffering and conflict now than for eternity.

There is only one Truth I will embrace. There is only one Truth I will not fight against. Jesus Christ came to earth and paid an immeasurable price for me and you. If I choose to coexist I deny the price he paid. I cheapen grace. I cannot do that. Can you?