Archive for December 29th, 2008


From here to there

December 29, 2008

Over the past two weeks I have thought of numerous things that I wanted to blog about. Today I return to blogging and figure the easiest thing to do is short bits about all of it. Perhaps I’ll come back to one or some later and develop the thought more.

1. Why do so many people believe mega churches are the “best” way to do church? I don’t think mega churches can really be the church without creating their own sub-church within the church.  Not to mention all the other issues that arise with mega churches.

2. What does it mean to be unequally yoked? My brother is dating a non-Christian who he is planning to marry. I have several issues with her, but the biggest thing is that she isn’t a Christian. He is a Christian, but has absolutely no faith community of any sort around him. They’re having sex. There’s no one to call him on it and hold him accountable. And he doesn’t have that possibility from the person he plans to marry. Scary.

3. One of the most Christ-like people I know is agnostic. She has dedicated her life to serving others. She is content to have little. She is sacrificing her own comfort and pleasure to spend the next year in Slovakia working with Habitat for Humanity. Every summer and long break during her college years was filled with travels to third-world countries doing similar work. She fights for the rights of everyone. She loves better than pretty much anyone else I know. I would rather follow her than most mainstream ministers. What does it really mean to be Christian?

4. What is the purpose of our large group youth program? Is the current purpose really the purpose we should have? What’s the balance between fun and learning. Are youth learning from the time? Where do we go from here?

5. The RCA is moving toward a new form of church leadership. The elders (church leaders) are no longer one big group, but instead they are designating some elders as shepherding (ie- relational) and others as governing (ie- administrative/planning). I have an issue with this. I don’t like the idea of the people planning the future of the church being separate from the people caring for the people of the church. I understand the idea of allowing people to serve where they are most gifted, but I don’t think this is the right way to do that. Am I wrong to feel this way?

6. I got Rock Band 2 for Christmas. It’s a lot of fun. I’m already coming up with ideas of how to use it at church. Rock Band night at Agape Cafe anyone? I am impatiently waiting for them to get the Rock band store up and running for the Wii…