
God’s Work

December 5, 2008

How quickly things change. I was feeling pretty good about the way things were going after the positive feedback I had received, but last night was one of those nights that you need to get past as quickly as possible while also trying to figure out how to make it better for the next time. I thought I had a pretty solid lesson planned- almost the entire thing kept the youth doing something, either writing or acting or moving around. BUT, in order for a lot of what I planned to work we needed enough kids to split into two or more groups. And we had only three. So more than half of the lesson had to be changed on the spot and the only thing I could come up with was to attempt to act out the parables as they were read instead of planning how to perform them for one another. This was far too distracting for the three boys we had. I’m pretty sure the entire lesson was a flop. That alone wouldn’t have been the end of the world. BUT, I had planned two games that both required more than the 7 people (4 leaders, 3 kids) we had. So last minute scramble we tried some dodge ball and finally let the guys just do what they wanted with the balls, basically a no one gets out ever version of dodgeball. It was okay, but for an hour of time for games I got sick of it and at least one of the guys did as well. 

This morning I am feeling frustrated. I feel like I should have been better prepared for a small group- our first meeting we only had three as well, but since then we have had at least 6 each week. And I feel like this is God’s way of saying, hold up a minute and don’t get too far ahead of yourself and your feelings. It’s not about me. But why is it a lot easier to remember this when things aren’t going great? Our lesson was about stuff cluttering our lives and getting in the way of our relationship with God. I think I did that with the lesson last night- too much that I planned not leaving room for God. I need a bit more humility and I need to remember that it’s when I leave room for God and not my own plans that he is most able to work. Have you been leaving room for God to work? How can we trim out that which fills up the space for God?

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